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Electropolishing (1)ees
Metal workpiece as the anode, in the appropriate electrolytic solution for electrolysis, selectively remove its rough surface, improve surface finish technology, also known as electrolytic polishing.
Electrolysis is the passage of an electric current through an electrolyte that process of inducing oxidation/reduction reactions at the cathode and anode.


Electropolishing needs to be carried out in a certain composition of electrolyte and under specific process conditions (current density, temperature, polishing time, stirring conditions for the electrolyte, etc.).
And the electropolishing of different metal materials, the required electrolyte composition and process conditions are significantly different. Aluminum and its alloys electropolishing, the earlier is mostly used phosphoric acid - sulfuric acid solution, high purity, the polishing effect is also the better.
As steel electropolishing electrolyte although there are many kinds of, but really not much for production. 
In order to extend the life of the electrolyte and save phosphoric acid, in electropolishing carbon steel, you can first in the phosphoric acid - sulfuric acid - chromic anhydride solution for the initial casting, and then use phosphoric acid - chromic anhydride electrolyte fine casting.
If the use of high current intermittent impact, and finally can make the surface finish of 11. Nickel, copper and other electropolishing can also be carried out in a similar solution.


Electropolishing (2)qs3


Reflective equipment such as lighting fixtures:
Stainless steel, aluminum and its alloys, non-ferrous metals and ferrous metals that have been mechanically polished beforehand can achieve a mirror-like luster. Achieve mirror-like luster. The surface finish after electropolishing is mainly determined by the surface quality and finish before polishing.
Cutting tools:
The use of electropolishing can eliminate the deformation layer on the surface, increase the finish of the working surface of the tool, improve the working conditions of the cutting tool, prolong its service life, and avoid the possibility of mechanical grinding and polishing.
Micrometers, vernier scales, column gauges and other measuring tools: Electropolished to meet the extremely high cleanliness and accuracy requirements of measuring tools.
Sharpening of stainless steel suture needles and surgical instruments
Electropolishing (3)d9q
Electropolishing (6)d12