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Electrolytic Polishing VS Electroplating

  1. Electropolishing

Electropolishing is a metal workpiece as the anode, in the appropriate electrolyte for electrolysis, selectively remove its rough surface, improve the surface finish of the technology


Aluminium and its alloys electropolishing, the earlier is mostly used in phosphoric acid - sulfuric acid solution, high purity, the better the effect of polishing.

As a steel electropolishing electrolyte although there are many kinds of, but really used in production is not much. In order to extend the life of the electrolyte and save phosphoric acid, in electropolishing carbon steel, you can first in the phosphoric acid - sulfuric acid - chromic anhydride solution for the initial polishing, and then use phosphoric acid - chromic anhydride electrolyte fine polishing.


  1. Electroplating

Electroplating is the process of plating a thin layer of other metals or alloys on the surface of certain metals using the principle of electrolysis. It is the use of electrolysis to make the surface of metal or other material parts attached to a layer of metal film process thus play a role in preventing metal oxidation (such as corrosion), improve wear resistance, electrical conductivity,

Reflectivity, corrosion resistance (copper sulfate, etc.) and enhance the aesthetic effect. The outer layer of many coins is also plated.

In electroplating, the plated metal or other insoluble materials as the anode, the workpiece to be plated as the cathode, the cations of the plated metal on the surface of the workpiece to be plated to be reduced to form a plated layer.