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How many parts of a car are cast?


In the global foundry industry, one-fifth of the foundries are for automobiles castings. It is estimated that an average car is assembled from more than 20,000 parts, and about 20 per cent of the parts are cast in various processes, with iron parts accounting for the vast majority. Although collectively referred to as iron, the frame of the body frame and the body parts of the entire car are sheet steel, and the box parts, such as the gearbox, are iron melted down and injected into moulds for casting. In addition, aluminium is used for engine suspensions, copper and other metals are used for wiring, and precious metals such as platinum are used as catalysts for purifying exhaust gases.


With the increasing requirements for energy saving, environmental protection and reduction of component costs, aluminium-magnesium alloy large-scale structural castings have become an important development trend, and its manufacturing technology has also become a current development hotspot.

At present, the main production technology of aluminium-magnesium alloy large structural parts are high-pressure casting, extrusion casting and low-pressure casting. Due to the high pressure casting production efficiency, product quality has become the main production process, the development of its manufacturing technology is mainly focused on the high pressure casting process is easy to roll gas, easy to form porosity inside the casting, can not be heat treatment problems of improvement.


In order to meet the requirements of increasingly stringent environmental regulations, automobiles are developing in the direction of lightweighting. For every 10% reduction in vehicle weight, fuel consumption can be reduced by 5.5%, fuel economy can be improved by 3% to 5%, while reducing emissions by about 10%. The application of non-ferrous alloy castings such as aluminium and magnesium, the development of large-scale complex structure integrated castings and the wide application of casting precision forming technology is the main way to achieve the lightweight automotive castings. Therefore, the requirements in the extensive use of digital technology based on high-performance casting materials, automated equipment, and other means to achieve the development and production of automotive castings to meet the needs of the modern automotive industry